
1. Wildau Music Day

Am 18. Juni 2022 veranstaltet die TH Wildau den 1. Wildau Music Day parallel und ergänzend zum 1. Homecoming-Day der Hochschule.

Creating solutions for the future

On the river Dahme, people are traditionally progressive. We, the technology and science region in Zeuthen, Wildau and Königs Wusterhausen, are continuing our unique industrial history: as a location for cutting-edge research, economic power and education – and as a particularly attractive home for the people of the region.

Passionate, creative and cosmopolitan, together we create solutions for the future: innovations on the Dahme.

Cooperation partners

Supported by funds from the federal government and the state of Brandenburg as part of the joint task: “Improvement of the regional economic structure” – GRW infrastructure.