Job offers in the region
Engineering and natural sciences feel particularly at home here – thanks to an inspiring scientific landscape, networked research and a unique culture of innovation. The focus is on digital integration, lightweight construction and life sciences. Thousands of creative minds pull together here – from Wildau University of Applied Sciences to Fraunhofer and DESY to numerous companies from the region. Become part of it!
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You can find job advertisements from our partners here:
- Deutsche Elektronen Synchrotron – DESY
- FINETECH Feinmechanische Werkstätten GmbH
- FTI Engineering Network GmbH
- Gemeinde Zeuthen
- me energy
- Stadt Königs Wusterhausen
- Stadt Wildau
- Technische Hochschule Wildau
- Titus Research
Do you have vacancies in the high-tech and scientific fields? We look forward to hearing from you at info[at]!